Small liberal arts school and ideal setting for Harry Potter LARP, Chestnut Hill College needed to communicate the real value of their academic offerings. Within my team, I was responsible for the engineering concept, photography direction, and full design of both pieces.


The first piece is aimed at high-achieving students with a strong career focus. It tells a range of real-life success stories from CHC grads. It also includes a gatefold inside front cover with information about academic offerings, outcomes, and ROI.


This piece is for the parents. College is a big deal and a big expense. As the mailer unfolds, it encourages the parent to encourage their kinda-young-adult to enroll early. That encouragement comes in the form $1,000, and a sweet magnet.


CREDITS (Created for 160over90)

Executive Creative Director: Steve Penning

Associate Creative Directors: Jill Spradley

Copywriter: Sean Pezzulo

Photography: Ryan Greenberg

Production: Beth Julian

Design and Illustration: Robb Leef